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Olfaction facts

This weekend there were many things that I smelled. Some brought back memories and some did not. One very specific one was when I waled...

Joiking Thoughts -

While listeing to the songs a lot of emotions were coming into play. The main emotion i was feeling was sadness or even regret purely...

I Have No Words!

Kopfkino (German) "The act of playing out an entire scenario in your mind. Literally, head cinema" I related to this word a lot because...

Kokoro Noir 9 Pictures

“But sometimes I would notice a shadow cross his face. True, like the shadow of a bird outside the window, it would quickly disappear”...

Journal of Spring Break

This picture represents my spring break in a whole because I spent most of my break with my best friends and enjoyed all of the time we...

Student Promt Writing

1. Of you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? I would eat pasta if I could only eat one food for the...

Proust Questions

The qestions I struggled most with would probably be what is my biggest feature about myself and that is also something that will most...

Lonliness From a Point of View

"Loneliness is the price we have to pay for being born in this modern age, so full of freedom, independence, and our own egotistical...

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